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We reach difable people who live below the poverty line at rural and villages area and provide them fit, function and comfortable prosthesis & orthosis to increase their quality of life. 



Sitanala Leprosy Housing Complex


Our first project was giving out 15 prosthesis for leprosy patient who live at Sitanala Housing Complex – Tangerang.


In cooperation with Bob Giesberts from Move Aid - Netherlands & Bonchon Restaurant, DARE Foundation succeed giving out 15 prosthesis to leprosy patients at Sitanala Housing Complex - Tanggerang.




West Cilandak - Jakarta


Started on a small scale in mid of 2012, which initiated by research of Dr. Peter Carey in Cilandak Barat – South Jakarta, regarding disabled kids in Jakarta.


After found data of 126 children with cerebral palsy and club foot, Dr. Peter Carey support DARE Foundation to provide orthosis for the children.


Dare Foundation already delivered approximately 35 pairs AFO and Orthopaedic Shoes to the children who suffer cerebral palsy and club foot. Limited infrastructure and funding, made DARE Foundation delayed Orthosis for Cilandak Barat Project.



Pandeglang - Banten


Through bad infrastructure using motorcycle, DARE Foundation met many difale people in Pandeglang – Banten who live below the poverty line.


Difable people in Pandeglang - Banten live far away from prosthetic & orthotic provider. With a very low income they have to face the situation which they are not possible to experiencing a good medical rehabilitation treatment.


Cooperated with Yayasan Laz Harfa, DARE Foundation found several difable people in Pandeglang need immediate help regarding prosthetic & orthotic. In pilot project of Pandeglang Project, DARE Foundation provide 6 prosthesis & 14 orthosis for 13 people.


Supported by Netherland Leprosy Relief, Solusi 247, GBI Glow, & Dr. Peter Carey, DARE Foundation accomplished to fulfill several peopple needs.


Continue the success of #DeliveringDreams Pandeglang Project 2014, DARE Foundation planned to provide another 30 prosthesis & orthosis for difable people in pandeglang, Banten in Pandeglang Project 2015.


Check out Walk With Us page, if you would like to support #DeliveringDreams Pandeglang Project 2015.



Lombok - Sumbawa


Many people in developing countries have mindset that discredit the children with disabilities. Many thoughts regarding children with disabilities are not able to learn and build their capabilities, so not much was done for the sake of their future.


The result, in the future of children with disabilities are not able to contribute to the family, the community and surrounding areas and ultimately the are considered as a burden on families and societies.


In coordination with local Lombok volunteer and also funded by Rotarian, DARE Foundation provide prosthesis, orthosis for children in Lombok.


Five patients that DARE Foundation met, never experiencing medical rehabilitation treatment. Most of them are congenital and they resigned to the condition.


Now, they already able to walk, do ambulation & able to increase their quality of life. DARE Foundation hopes, in the future those children will be able to reach their dreams



Incidental Project


Aira 4 years old, lives in Bandung. She was electrocuted while playing with her friend and caused amputation at her right leg,  arm and permanent contracture at the left leg.


As her left leg is no more function, now Aira’s Mother is planning to do amputation at Aira’s left leg.


DARE Foundation already delivered prosthesis for Aira’s right leg, and now we are preparing for producing a new prosthesis after Aira got amputated in a near future.


For this kind of incidental cases, in 2015 DARE Foundation planning to have component stock for difable people who really in need.

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